Year in Brief

  • We received 12,321 contacts, comprised of:
        • - 10,131 enquiries; and

          - 2,190 complaints.

  • We finalised 94% of complaints within
    3 months.
  • Since 2007, we have:
  • - Decreased the age of complaints from 173 days to 32 days; and

    - Reduced the cost of resolving complaints by 36%.

  • Public authorities accepted 100% of our recommendations.
  • We received:
  • - 50 investigable child deaths; and

    - 15 reviewable family and domestic violence fatalities;

and made 40 recommendations about ways to prevent or reduce these deaths.

  • Significant work was undertaken on a major investigation into ways to prevent or reduce child deaths by drowning.
  • We tabled in Parliament A report on giving effect to the recommendations arising from the Investigation into issues associated with violence restraining orders and their relationship with family and domestic violence fatalities.
  • Significant work was undertaken on A report on giving effect to the recommendations arising from the Investigation into ways that State government departments and authorities can prevent or reduce suicide by young people.
  • Significant work was undertaken in relation to a major report on our role to monitor the Infringement Notices provisions of The Criminal Code.
  • We undertook a range of work to implement our inaugural Aboriginal Action Plan.
  • We enhanced awareness and access to the Office for children and young people through a range of mechanisms, including continuing our visiting program to vulnerable groups of children in the child protection system.
  • We enhanced regional awareness and access to the Office through visits to Broome and Carnarvon.


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