Year in Brief

  • We finalised 95% of complaints within 3 months.
  • Since 2007, we have:
    - Decreased the age of complaints from 173 days to 48 days; and
    - Reduced the cost of resolving complaints by 36%.
  • 100% of our recommendations were accepted for the twelfth consecutive year.
  • We received:
    - 30 investigable child deaths;
    - 17 reviewable family and domestic violence fatalities; and
    - Made 15 recommendations about ways to prevent or reduce these deaths and fatalities. 
  • We tabled in Parliament A report on giving effect to the recommendations arising from Investigation into ways to prevent or reduce deaths of children by drowning.
  • We provided a Report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations under section 158 of the Criminal Organisations Control Act 2012 for the whole monitoring period to the Attorney General and the Commissioner of Police and the report was tabled in Parliament by the Attorney General on 2 April 2019.
  • Significant work was undertaken on an own motion investigation into ways that State government departments and authorities can prevent or reduce suicide by young people .
  • We undertook a range of work to implement our inaugural Aboriginal Action Plan.
  • We enhanced awareness and access to the Office for children and young people through a range of mechanisms, including continuing our visiting program to vulnerable groups of children in the child protection system.
  • We enhanced regional awareness and access to the Office through visits to Katanning and Albany in the Great Southern Region, Manjimup in the South West Region and Mandurah, Waroona and Boddington in the Peel Region .

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